What's the best way to integrate erlang and python?


We need to call python functions in erlang and call erlang functions in python. At this moment we are trying to use SOAP as a intermediate layer between these two languages, but we have a lot of "not compatible" troubles. Could you advise the best way to perform integration?


2 个解决方案



As already mentioned with erlport you can use Erlang port protocol and term_to_binary/binary_to_term functions on Erlang side. On Python side there are low level port driver Port which can send and receive messages from Erlang and more high level protocol handler Protocol which simplified situation when you want to call a Python function from Erlang. Currently there are no any auxiliary interfaces on Erlang side but it's possible there will be some in the future. In the examples directory you can find some example code for different situations.

正如erlport已经提到的,你可以在Erlang端使用Erlang端口协议和term_to_binary / binary_to_term函数。在Python端有低级端口驱动程序端口,它可以发送和接收来自Erlang的消息和更高级别的协议处理程序协议,当你想从Erlang调用Python函数时简化了这种情况。目前Erlang方面没有任何辅助接口,但未来可能会有一些辅助接口。在examples目录中,您可以找到针对不同情况的一些示例代码。

And feel free to contact me about any ErlPort related topic.



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  2. 使用Python编写简单的端口扫描器的实例分享【转】
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  4. python函数的属性
  5. python学习笔记10(函数一): 函数使用、调用、返回值
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