In a QWebView, I am dynamically creating and loading HTML using QWebView.setHtml(). In the HTML string that I pass to this method, I have a <style> section where I inject a CSS string from an external file. The CSS is working beautifully, except for the font families. The font always falls back to the QWebView default sans-serif font. I can change that default font using QWebView.settings().setFontFamily(QtWebKit.QWebSettings.StandardFont, "serif"), but this simply makes everything on the page a serif font instead of honoring the CSS font-family values.

在QWebView中,我使用QWebView. sethtml()动态地创建和加载HTML。在传递给这个方法的HTML字符串中,有一个

A relevant section in my CSS file:


.page-title {
    font-family:"Times New Roman",Garamond,serif;

This does not render in a serif font as expected, but in a generic sans-serif font. However, the color displays without issue.


At one point, to debug, I printed the complete HTML string right before calling QWebView.setHtml(), and redirected the output to a file. This file rendered as expected when I opened it in Chromium, leading me to believe that the problem is not a HTML/CSS problem. Here is that output if you are interested.


Edit: Since I'm setting a bounty here, here is a quick tl;dr that should sum up everything important:


With PySide, how can I make a QWebView honor CSS font-family settings in an HTML page that is loaded via QWebView.setHtml()? Specifically, is there some secret, hidden setting that switches that kind of behavior on and off? Or should I report this as a bug in the framework?

使用PySide,如何在通过QWebView. sethtml()加载的HTML页面中创建QWebView尊重CSS字体-族设置的QWebView. sethtml ()?具体来说,是否存在某种秘密的、隐藏的设置来开关这种行为?或者我应该在框架中报告这个bug吗?

If you want to test this out for yourself, Here is a link to the GitHub repo for the project I'm working on. Dependencies are listed in the README.

如果您想自己测试一下,这里有一个链接指向我正在进行的项目的GitHub repo。依赖项在README中列出。

1 个解决方案



In the header of Page.html (the one you linked)


I found this..

我发现这. .

.page-title {
    font-family:Helvetica, sans-serif;

Maybe try to delete this, or replace it with this


.page-title {
    font-family:"Times New Roman",Garamond,serif;


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