I've been working on this Python program to try to do some automated testing. The problem is that up until recently, I've been able to use pywinauto just fine. Now, I have to control some programs that have their UI made with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). So far, I have been using the standard Python interpreter. However, now that I have to deal with this, it might mean having to port to IronPython.

我一直在研究这个Python程序,试图做一些自动化测试。问题是,直到最近,我已经能够使用pywinauto了。现在,我必须控制一些使用Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF)创建UI的程序。到目前为止,我一直在使用标准的Python解释器。但是,现在我必须处理这个问题,这可能意味着必须移植到IronPython。

Can someone tell me how I should go about automating the control of programs using WPF for their UI's when my automation program is written in Python?


1 个解决方案



I assume you are trying to send Window Messages to the controls, or simulate key strokes.


Have a look at this question:


Experiences with UI Automation and WPF



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