I have a .py file that is ran by:


python a.py &

python。py &

I am using a ssh to run the command, after it I have to log off. I find after some time the process is exited. I suspect it's Linux send some signal to it? I think if I can make the daemon then I can avoid this?


5 个解决方案



Although nohup will work, it's a quick and dirty solution. To make a proper daemon process you need to use SysV init or (If you are running Ubuntu 6.10+ or Fedora 9+) upstart.

尽管nohup是有效的,但它是一个快速而肮脏的解决方案。要做一个适当的守护进程,您需要使用SysV init或(如果运行Ubuntu 6.10+或Fedora 9+) upstart。

Here's a simple script that starts a.py and restarts it whenever it gets killed (up to 5 times inside a 5 minute span):



respawn limit 5 300

exec python /path/to/a.py

Then just put that script in /etc/init/.


Upstart has a lot more options too. Checkout the Quick Start tutorial.



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