Before you get mad at me for asking this question, I have looked for the answer but still can't seem to get what exactly they do. I saw this one answer by a user named "marcog" on SOF. For example :

在你因为提出这个问题而生我的生气之前,我已经找到了答案,但似乎仍无法得到他们到底做了什么。我在SOF上看到了一个名为“marcog”的用户的回答。例如 :

name = "marcog"
number = 42
print "%s %d" (name, number)

What I did then was deleting this part and the code still outputs the exact same thing.


name = "marcog"
number = 42
print(name, number)

Could you please briefly explain the reason we use them ? By the way, I'm using 3.3.1.


3 个解决方案



It tells print to output a string (%s) and a signed integer (%d). This is more useful if you want to have a more complicated output. For example:


print("Hello %s your number is %d" % (name, number))

With the sample values you've given, this will output:


Hello marcog your number is 42



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