Is there a way to execute a Django fixture just once - when the appropriate table is created? I have some initial data that should be put in the app tables, but once the tables are there, I don't want every ./ syncdb to refresh the data. According to Django docs it seems this can only be done for fixtures in SQL format and not JSON / YAML:

是否有一种方法可以只在创建合适的表时执行Django fixture ?我有一些最初的数据应该放在应用程序表中,但是一旦表出现了,我不想要每一个。/管理。py syncdb刷新数据。根据Django文档,这似乎只能用SQL格式来完成,而不是JSON / YAML:

1 个解决方案



You're going to want to use the post_syncdb signal, and filter/manually load the fixture via the underlying methods when specific apps or models are created.



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