I'm trying to write a list of strings like below to a file separated by the given delimiter.


res = [u'123', u'hello world']

When I try splitting by TAB like below it gives me the correctly formatted string.


writer = csv.writer(sys.stdout, delimiter="\t")

gives --> 123   hello world

But when I try to split by space using delimiter=" ", it gives me the space but with quotation marks like below.


123 "hello world"

How do I remove quotation marks. So that when I use space as the delimiter I should get 123 hello world.

如何删除引号。所以当我使用空格作为分隔符时,我应该得到123 hello world。

EIDT: when I try using the escapechar it doesn't make any double quotes. But everywhere in my testdata it appears a space, it makes it double.


3 个解决方案



Quoting behavior is controlled by the various quoting arguments provided to the writer (or set on the Dialect object if you prefer to do things that way). The default setting is QUOTE_MINIMAL, which will not produce the behavior you're describing unless a value contains your delimiter character, quote character, or line terminator character. Doublecheck your test data - [u'123', u'hello'] won't produce what you describe, but [u'123', u' hello'] would.

引用行为由提供给作者的各种引用参数控制(如果您喜欢这样做的话,可以设置在方言对象上)。默认设置是quote_minimum,它不会产生您所描述的行为,除非一个值包含分隔符、引号字符或行终止符。双重检查你的测试数据——[u'123', u'hello']不会产生你所描述的,但是[u'123', u'hello']会。

You can specify QUOTE_NONE if you're sure that's the behavior you want, in which case it'll either try to escape instances of your delimiter character if you set an escape character, or raise an exception if you don't.



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