Is data that was supplied to write() with parameter (vals) accessible from within method check_access_rights?


I inherited from res.partner and overriden method check_access_rights with intent to allow a user with no write rights on res.partner to update child_ids (of that partner) if that child was created by that user (create_uid = . I hope to be able to implement somewhere (in methods write or check_access_rights) this pseudo-code:

我继承自res.partner和overriden方法check_access_rights,意图允许没有res.partner写权限的用户更新child_ids(该伙伴)如果该子用户是由该用户创建的(create_uid =。我希望能够在某个地方(在方法write或check_access_rights中)实现这个伪代码:

if `the user belongs to a group "GroupX"` and `user tries to only update field "child_ids" with records that are created by that user`
    then `allow this write operation on res.partner`
    else `raise AccessError`

1 个解决方案



To let user (from "Group X") modify res.partner objects that where created by him and let modify child_ids on res.partner objects that where created by anyone:

让用户(来自“Group X”)修改由他创建的res.partner对象,并修改由任何人创建的res.partner对象上的child_ids:

first create a group "Group X" with rights: a) r,w,c,u on res.partner ; b) r,w,c on .

首先创建一个具有权利的组“X组”:a)r,w,c,u在res.partner上; b)关于ir.property的r,w,c。

Then create a class that inherits from res.partner and override method write.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

class InheritedResPartner(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'res.partner'

    def write(self, vals):
        is_in_group = 'Group X' in map(lambda x:, self.env.user.groups_id)
        if is_in_group:
            operation = 'write'
            owns_record = self.create_uid == self.env.user

            if owns_record:
                allowed = True

                # Do all checks further and set `allowed` to either True or False 
                ...<omitted intentionaly> put your logic here

                if not allowed:
                    raise AccessError(_('The requested operation cannot be completed due to security restrictions. Please contact your system administrator.\n\n(Document type: %s, Operation: %s)') % (self._description, operation))
        return super(InheritedResPartner, self).write(vals)

Note: we give full rights on res.partner but we will override write method and raise AccessError if unwanted action detected.



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