If a sklearn.LabelEncoder has been fitted on a training set, it might break if it encounters new values when used on a test set.


The only solution I could come up with for this is to map everything new in the test set (i.e. not belonging to any existing class) to "<unknown>", and then explicitly add a corresponding class to the LabelEncoder afterward:

我能想到的唯一解决方案是将测试集中的所有新内容(即不属于任何现有类)映射到“ ”,然后在LabelEncoder中显式添加相应的类:

# train and test are pandas.DataFrame's and c is whatever column
le = LabelEncoder()
test[c] = test[c].map(lambda s: '<unknown>' if s not in le.classes_ else s)
le.classes_ = np.append(le.classes_, '<unknown>')
train[c] = le.transform(train[c])
test[c] = le.transform(test[c])

This works, but is there a better solution?




As @sapo_cosmico points out in a comment, it seems that the above doesn't work anymore, given what I assume is an implementation change in LabelEncoder.transform, which now seems to use np.searchsorted (I don't know if it was the case before). So instead of appending the <unknown> class to the LabelEncoder's list of already extracted classes, it needs to be inserted in sorted order:

正如@sapo_cosmico在评论中指出的那样,似乎上面的内容不再适用,因为我假设LabelEncoder.transform中的实现更改,现在似乎使用了np.searchsorted(我不知道它是否是之前的情况)。因此,不是将 类附加到LabelEncoder的已提取类列表中,而是需要按排序顺序插入:

import bisect
le_classes = le.classes_.tolist()
bisect.insort_left(le_classes, '<unknown>')
le.classes_ = le_classes

However, as this feels pretty clunky all in all, I'm certain there is a better approach for this.


6 个解决方案



I ended up switching to Pandas' get_dummies due to this problem of unseen data.


  • create the dummies on the training data
    dummy_train = pd.get_dummies(train)
  • 在训练数据上创建虚拟人物dummy_train = pd.get_dummies(train)
  • create the dummies in the new (unseen data)
    dummy_new = pd.get_dummies(new_data)
  • 在新的(看不见的数据)dummy_new = pd.get_dummies(new_data)中创建虚拟对象
  • re-index the new data to the columns of the training data, filling the missing values with 0
    dummy_new.reindex(columns = dummy_train.columns, fill_value=0)
  • 将新数据重新索引到训练数据的列,用0 dummy_new.reindex(columns = dummy_train.columns,fill_value = 0)填充缺失值

Effectively any new features which are categorical will not go into the classifier, but I think that should not cause problems as it would not know what to do with them.



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