I am trying to use numpy and scipy to solve the following two equations:


P(z) = sgn(-cos(np.pi*D1) + cos(5*z)) * sgn(-cos(np.pi*D2) + cos(6*z))

1. 0 = 2/2pi ∫ P(z,D1,D2) * cos(5z) dz + z/L

2. 0 = 2/2pi ∫ P(z,D1,D2) * cos(6z) dz - z/L

for D1 and D2 (integral limits are 0 -> 2pi).

对于D1和D2(积分限是0 -> 2)。

My code is:


def equations(p, z):
    D1, D2 = p
    period = 2*np.pi

    P1 = lambda zz, D1, D2: \
            np.sign(-np.cos(np.pi*D1) + np.cos(6.*zz)) * \
            np.sign(-np.cos(np.pi*D2) + np.cos(5.*zz)) * \
    P2 = lambda zz, D1, D2: \
            np.sign(-np.cos(np.pi*D1) + np.cos(6.*zz)) * \
            np.sign(-np.cos(np.pi*D2) + np.cos(5.*zz)) * \

    eq1 = 2./period * integrate.quad(P1, 0., period, args=(D1,D2), epsabs=0.01)[0] + z
    eq2 = 2./period * integrate.quad(P2, 0., period, args=(D1,D2), epsabs=0.01)[0] - z
    return (eq1, eq2)

z = np.arange(0., 1000., 0.01)

N = int(len(z))

D1 = np.empty([N])
D2 = np.empty([N])
for i in range(N):
    D1[i], D2[i] = fsolve(equations, x0=(0.5, 0.5), args=z[i])

print D1, D2

Unfortunately, it does not seem to converge. I don't know much about numerical methods and was hoping someone could give me a hand.


Thank you.


P.S. I'm also trying the following which should be equivalent:


import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from scipy import integrate
from scipy import signal

def equations(p, z):
    D1, D2 = p
    period = 2.*np.pi

    K12 = 1./L * z
    K32 = -1./L * z + 1.

    P1 = lambda zz, D1, D2: \
            signal.square(6.*zz, duty=D1) * \
            signal.square(5.*zz, duty=D2) * \
    P2 = lambda zz, D1, D2: \
            signal.square(6.*zz, duty=D1) * \
            signal.square(5.*zz, duty=D2) * \

    eq1 = 2./period * integrate.quad(P1, 0., period, args=(D1,D2))[0] + K12
    eq2 = 2./period * integrate.quad(P2, 0., period, args=(D1,D2))[0] - K32

    return (eq1, eq2)

h = 0.01
L = 10.
z = np.arange(0., L, h)

N = int(len(z))

D1 = np.empty([N])
D2 = np.empty([N])
for i in range(N):
    D1[i], D2[i] = fsolve(equations, x0=(0.5, 0.5), args=z[i])
    print z[i]
    print ("%0.8f,%0.8f" % (D1[i], D2[i]))

PSS: I implemented what you wrote (I think I understand it!), very nicely done. Thank you. Unfortunately, I really don't have much skill in this field and don't really know how to make a suitable guess, so I just guess 0.5 (I also added a small amount of noise to the initial guess to try and improve it). The result I'm getting have numerical errors it seems, and I'm not sure why, I was hoping you could point me in the right direction. So essentially, I did an FFT sweep (did an FFT for each dutycycle variation and looked at the frequency component at 5, which is shown below in the graph) and found that the linear part (z/L) is slightly jagged.


PSSS: Thank you for that, I've noted some of the techniques you've suggested. I tried replicated your second graph as it seems very useful. To do this, I kept D1 (D2) fixed and swept D2 (D1), and I did this for various z values. fmin did not always find the correct minimum (it was dependent on the initial guess) so I swept the initial guess of fmin until I found the correct answer. I get a similar answer to you. (I think it's correct?)

PSSS:谢谢你,我已经注意到你提出的一些技巧。我试过复制你的第二张图,因为它看起来很有用。为了做到这一点,我将D1 (D2)固定并扫过D2 (D1),我这样做是为了不同的z值。fmin并不总是能找到正确的最小值(它依赖于最初的猜测),所以我把fmin的初始猜测扫了一遍,直到找到正确的答案。我得到了一个类似的答案。(我认为这是正确的吗?)

Also, I would just like to say that you might like to give me your contact details, as this solution as a step in finding the solution to a problem I have (I'm a student doing research), and I will most certainly acknowledge you in any papers in which this code is used.


#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from scipy import integrate
from scipy import optimize
from scipy import signal


altsigns = np.ones(50)
altsigns[1::2] = -1

def get_breaks(x, y, a, b):
    sa = np.arange(0, 2*a, 2)
    sb = np.arange(0, 2*b, 2)

    zx  = (( x + sa) % (2*a))*np.pi/a
    zx2 = ((-x + sa) % (2*a))*np.pi/a
    zy  = (( y + sb) % (2*b))*np.pi/b
    zy2 = ((-y + sb) % (2*b))*np.pi/b

    zi = np.r_[np.sort(np.hstack((zx, zx2, zy, zy2))), 2*np.pi]
    if zi[0]:
        zi = np.r_[0, zi]
    return zi

def integrals(x, y, a, b):
    zi = get_breaks(x % 1., y % 1., a, b)
    sins = np.vstack((np.sin(b*zi), np.sin(a*zi)))
    return (altsigns[:zi.size-1]*(sins[:,1:] - sins[:,:-1])).sum(1) / np.array((b, a))

def equation1(p, z, d2):
    D2 = d2

    D1 = p
    I1, _ = integrals(D1, D2, deltaK1, deltaK2)

    eq1 = 1. / np.pi * I1 + z
    return abs(eq1)

def equation2(p, z, d1):
    D1 = d1

    D2 = p
    _, I2 = integrals(D1, D2, deltaK1, deltaK2)

    eq2 = 1. / np.pi * I2 - z + 1
    return abs(eq2)


z = [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]#np.arange(0., 1., 0.1)
step = 0.05

deltaK1 = 5.
deltaK2 = 6.

f = open('data.dat', 'w')

D = np.arange(0.0, 1.0, step)
D1eq1 = np.empty([len(D)])
D2eq2 = np.empty([len(D)])
D1eq1Err = np.empty([len(D)])
D2eq2Err = np.empty([len(D)])
for n in z:
    for i in range(len(D)):
        # Fix D2 and solve for D1.
        for guessD1 in np.arange(0.,1.,0.1):
            D2 = D
            tempD1 = optimize.fmin(equation1, guessD1, args=(n, D2[i]), disp=False, xtol=1e-8, ftol=1e-8, full_output=True)
            if tempD1[1] < 1.e-6:
                D1eq1Err[i] = tempD1[1]
                D1eq1[i] = tempD1[0][0]
                D1eq1Err[i] = -1.
                D1eq1[i] = -1.

        # Fix D1 and solve for D2.
        for guessD2 in np.arange(0.,1.,0.1):
            D1 = D
            tempD2 = optimize.fmin(equation2, guessD2, args=(n, D1[i]), disp=False, xtol=1e-8, ftol=1e-8, full_output=True)
            if tempD2[1] < 1.e-6:
                D2eq2Err[i] = tempD2[1]
                D2eq2[i] = tempD2[0][0]
                D2eq2Err[i] = -2.
                D2eq2[i] = -2.

    for i in range(len(D)):
        f.write('%0.8f,%0.8f,%0.8f,%0.8f,%0.8f\n' %(D[i], D1eq1[i], D2eq2[i], D1eq1Err[i], D2eq2Err[i]))

1 个解决方案



This is a very ill-posed problem. Let's recap what you are trying to do:


  • You want to solve 100000 optimization problems
  • 你想解决100000个最优化问题。
  • Each optimization problem is 2 dimensional, so you need O(10000) function evaluations (estimating O(100) function evaluations for a 1D optimization problem)
  • 每一个优化问题都是二维的,所以你需要O(10000)函数评估(估计一个一维优化问题的O(100)函数评估)
  • Each function evaluation depends on the evaluation of two numerical integrals
  • 每个函数的评价依赖于两个数值积分的评价。
  • The integrands contain jumps, i.e. they are 0-times contiguously differentiable
  • 被积体包含跳跃,即它们是0次连续可微的。
  • The integrands are composed of periodic functions, so they have multiple minima and maxima
  • 这些积分是由周期函数组成的,所以它们有多个最小值和最大值。

So you are off to a very hard time. In addition, even in the most optimistic estimate in which all factors in the integrand that are < 1 are replaced by 1, the integrals can only take values between -2*pi and 2*pi. Much less than that in reality. So you can already see that you only have a chance of a solution for

所以你的日子很不好过。此外,即使在最乐观的估计中,被积函数的所有因子< 1被1替换,积分也只能取-2*和2*pi之间的值。比现实中要少得多。所以你可以看到你只有一个解决方案。

I1 - z = 0
I2 + z = 0

for very small numbers of z. So there is no point in trying up to z = 1000.

对于非常小的z数,所以在z = 1000时是没有意义的。

I am almost certain that this is not the problem you need to solve. (I cannot imagine a context in which such a problem would appear. It seems like a weird twist on Fourier coefficient computation...) But in case you insist, your best bet is to work on the inner loop first.


As you noted, the numerical evaluation of the integrals is subject to large errors. This is due to the jumps introduced by the sgn() function. Functions such as scipy.integrate.quad() tend to use higher order algorithms which assume that the integrands are smooth. If they are not, they perform very badly. You either need to hand-pick an algorithm that can deal with jumps or, much better in this case, do the integrals by hand:


The following algorithm calculates the jump points of the sgn() function and then evaluates the analytic integrals on all pieces:


altsigns = np.ones(50)
altsigns[1::2] = -1

def get_breaks(x, y, a, b):
    sa = np.arange(0, 2*a, 2)
    sb = np.arange(0, 2*b, 2)

    zx  = (( x + sa) % (2*a))*np.pi/a
    zx2 = ((-x + sa) % (2*a))*np.pi/a
    zy  = (( y + sb) % (2*b))*np.pi/b
    zy2 = ((-y + sb) % (2*b))*np.pi/b

    zi = np.r_[np.sort(np.hstack((zx, zx2, zy, zy2))), 2*pi]
    if zi[0]:
        zi = np.r_[0, zi]
    return zi

def integrals(x, y, a, b):
    zi = get_breaks(x % 1., y % 1., a, b)
    sins = np.vstack((np.sin(b*zi), np.sin(a*zi)))
    return (altsigns[:zi.size-1]*(sins[:,1:] - sins[:,:-1])).sum(1) / np.array((b, a))

This gets rid of the problem of the numerical integration. It is very accurate and fast. However, even the integrals will not be perfectly contiguous for all parameters, so in order to solve your optimization problem, you are better off using an algorithm that doesn't rely on the existence of any derivatives. The only choice in scipy is scipy.optimize.fmin(), which you can use like:


def equations2(p, z):
    x, y = p
    I1, I2 = integrals(x, y, 6., 5.)

    fact = 1. / pi
    eq1 = fact * I1 + z
    eq2 = fact * I2 - z
    return eq1, eq2

def norm2(p, z):
    eq1, eq2 = equations2(p, z)
    return eq1**2 + eq2**2  # this has the minimum when eq1 == eq2 == 0

z = 0.25

res = fmin(norm2, (0.25, 0.25), args=(z,), xtol=1e-8, ftol=1e-8)
print res
# -> [ 0.3972  0.5988]

print equations2(res, z)
# -> (-2.7285737558280232e-09, -2.4748670890417657e-09)

You are still left with the problem of finding suitable starting values for all z, which is still a tricky business. Good Luck!




To check if you still have numerical errors, plug the result of the optimization back in the equations and see if they are satisfied to the required accuracy, which is what I did above. Note that I used (0.25, 0.25) as a starting value, since starting at (0.5, 0.5) didn't lead to convergence. This is normal for optimizations problems with local minima (such as yours). There is no better way to deal with this other than trying multiple starting values, rejecting non-converged results. In the case above, if equations2(res, z) returns anything higher than, say, (1e-6, 1e-6), I would reject the result and try again with a different starting value. A very useful technique for successive optimization problems is to use the result of the previous problem as the starting value for the next problem.

为了检查你是否仍然有数值错误,将优化的结果插入公式中,看看它们是否满足要求的精度,这就是我上面所做的。注意,我使用(0.25,0.25)作为起始值,从(0.5,0.5)开始,并没有导致收敛。对于局部最小值(如您的)的优化问题,这是正常的。除了尝试多个起始值,拒绝非聚合的结果之外,没有更好的方法来处理这个问题。在上面的例子中,如果equations2(res, z)返回任何高于(比如,1e-6, 1e-6)的值,那么我就会拒绝这个结果,然后再尝试一个不同的初始值。对于连续的优化问题,一个非常有用的技术是将前面问题的结果作为下一个问题的起始值。

Note however that you have no guarantee of a smooth solution for D1(z) and D2(z). Just a tiny change in D1 could push one break point off the integration interval, resulting in a big change of the value of the integral. The algorithm may well adjust by using D2, leading to jumps in D1(z) and D2(z). Note also that you can take any result modulo 1, due to the symmetries of cos(pi*D1).


The bottom line: There shouldn't be any remaining numerical inaccuracies if you use the analytical formula for the integrals. If the residuals are less than the accuracy you specified, this is your solution. If they are not, you need to find better starting values. If you can't, a solution may not exist. If the solutions are not contiguous as a function of z, that is also expected, since your integrals are not contiguous. Good luck!


Edit 2


It appears your equations have two solutions in the interval z in [0, ~0.46], and no solutions for z > 0.46, see the first figure below. To prove this, see the good old graphical solution in the second figure below. The contours represent solutions of Eq. 1 (vertical) and Eq. 2 (horizontal), for different z. You can see that the contours cross twice for z < 0.46 (two solutions) and not at all for z > 0.46 (no solution that simultaneously satisfies both equations). If this is not what you expected, you need to write down different equations (which was my suspicion in the first place...)

你的方程在区间z(0, ~0.46)中有两个解,z > 0.46没有解,见下面第一个图。为了证明这一点,请参见下面第二个图中的老图形解决方案。等高线代表的是Eq. 1(垂直)和Eq. 2(水平)的解,对于不同的z,你可以看到z < 0.46(两个解)的等高线,而不是z > 0.46(没有同时满足两个方程的解)。如果这不是你所期望的,你需要写下不同的方程(这是我首先怀疑的…)

Here is the final code I was using:


import numpy as np
from numpy import sin, cos, sign, pi, arange, sort, concatenate
from scipy.optimize import fmin

a = 6.0
b = 5.0

def P(z, x, y):
    return sign((cos(a*z) - cos(pi*x)) * (cos(b*z) - cos(pi*y)))

def P1(z, x, y):
    return P(z, x, y) * cos(b*z)

def P2(z, x, y):
    return P(z, x, y) * cos(a*z)

altsigns = np.ones(50)
altsigns[1::2] = -1

twopi = 2*pi
pi_a = pi/a
da = 2*pi_a
pi_b = pi/b
db = 2*pi_b
lim = np.array([0., twopi])

def get_breaks(x, y):
    zx  = arange(x*pi_a, twopi, da)
    zx2 = arange((2-x)*pi_a, twopi, da)
    zy  = arange(y*pi_b, twopi, db)
    zy2 = arange((2-y)*pi_b, twopi, db)
    zi = sort(concatenate((lim, zx, zx2, zy, zy2)))
    return zi

ba = np.array((b, a))[:,None]
fact = np.array((1. / b, 1. / a))

def integrals(x, y):
    zi = get_breaks(x % 1., y % 1.)
    sins = sin(ba*zi)
    return fact * (altsigns[:zi.size-1]*(sins[:,1:] - sins[:,:-1])).sum(1)

def equations2(p, z):
    x, y = p
    I1, I2 = integrals(x, y)

    fact = 1. / pi
    eq1 = fact * I1 + z
    eq2 = fact * I2 - z
    return eq1, eq2

def norm2(p, z):
    eq1, eq2 = equations2(p, z)
    return eq1**2 + eq2**2

def eval_integrals(Nx=100, Ny=101):
    x = np.arange(Nx) / float(Nx)
    y = np.arange(Ny) / float(Ny)
    I = np.zeros((Nx, Ny, 2))
    for i in xrange(Nx):
        xi = x[i]
        Ii = I[i]
        for j in xrange(Ny):
            Ii[j] = integrals(xi, y[j])
    return x, y, I

def solve(z, start=(0.25, 0.25)):
    N = len(z)
    res = np.zeros((N, 2))

    for i in xrange(N):
        if i < 100:
            prev = start
        prev = fmin(norm2, prev, args=(z[i],), xtol=1e-8, ftol=1e-8)
        if norm2(prev, z[i]) < 1e-7:
            res[i] = prev
    return res

#x, y, I = eval_integrals(Nx=1000, Ny=1001)

#zlvl = np.arange(0.2, 1.2, 0.2)
#contour(x, y, -I[:,:,0].T/pi, zlvl)
#contour(x, y,  I[:,:,1].T/pi, zlvl)

N = 1000
z = np.linspace(0., 1., N)
res = np.zeros((N, 2, 2))

res[:,0,:] = solve(z, (0.25, 0.25))
res[:,1,:] = solve(z, (0.05, 0.95))


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