

平常我们采用 swoole 来写 WebSocket 服务可能最多的用到的是open,message,close这三个监听状态,但是万万没有看下下面的onRequest回调的使用,没错,解决这次主动消息推送的就是需要用onRequest回调。

官方文档:正因为swoole_websocket_server继承自swoole_http_server,所以在 websocket 中有onRequest回调。


# 这里是一个laravel中Commands# 运行php artisan swoole start 即可运行<?phpnamespace App\Console\Commands;use Illuminate\Console\Command;use swoole_websocket_server;class Swoole extends Command{    public $ws;    /**     * The name and signature of the console command.     *     * @var string     */    protected $signature = 'swoole {action}';    /**     * The console command description.     *     * @var string     */    protected $description = 'Active Push Message';    /**     * Create a new command instance.     *     * @return void     */    public function __construct()    {        parent::__construct();    }    /**     * Execute the console command.     *     * @return mixed     */    public function handle()    {        $arg = $this->argument('action');        switch ($arg) {            case 'start':                $this->info('swoole server started');                $this->start();                break;            case 'stop':                $this->info('swoole server stoped');                break;            case 'restart':                $this->info('swoole server restarted');                break;        }    }    /**     * 启动Swoole     */    private function start()    {        $this->ws = new swoole_websocket_server("", 9502);        //监听WebSocket连接打开事件        $this->ws->on('open', function ($ws, $request) {        });        //监听WebSocket消息事件        $this->ws->on('message', function ($ws, $frame) {            $this->info("client is SendMessage\n");        });        //监听WebSocket主动推送消息事件        $this->ws->on('request', function ($request, $response) {            $scene = $request->post['scene'];       // 获取值            $this->info("client is PushMessage\n".$scene);        });        //监听WebSocket连接关闭事件        $this->ws->on('close', function ($ws, $fd) {            $this->info("client is close\n");        });        $this->ws->start();    }}

前面说的是 swoole 中onRequest的实现,下面实现下在控制器中主动触发onRequest回调。实现方法就是我们熟悉的curl请求。

# 调用activepush方法以后,会在cmd中打印出 # client is PushMessage 主动推送消息 字眼    /**     * CURL请求     * @param $data     */    public function curl($data)    {        $curl = curl_init();        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, "");        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);        curl_exec($curl);        curl_close($curl);    }        /**     * 主动触发     */    public function activepush()    {        $param['scene'] = '主动推送消息';        $this->curl($param);            // 主动推送消息

onRequest 回调特别适用于需要在控制器中调用的推送消息,比如模板消息之类,在控制器中调用。



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