一年一度的PyCon大会已经开始,目前已经可以获得很多的视频内容了(当然需要科学的获取), 视频信息截图附在本文后面,感兴趣的童鞋不妨去了解下相关内容。


Using pandas for Better (and Worse) Data Science - PyCon 2018

Speaker: Kevin MarkhamThe pandas library is a powerful tool for multiple phases of the data science workflow, including data cleaning, visualization, and exploratory data analysis. However, proper data science requires careful coding, and pandas will not stop you from creating misleading plots, drawing incorrect conclusions, ignoring relevant data, including misleading data, or executing incorrect calculations.In this tutorial, you'll perform a variety of data science tasks on a handful of real-world datasets using pandas. With each task, you'll learn how to avoid either a pandas pitfall or a data science pitfall. By the end of the tutorial, you'll be more confident that you're using pandas for good rather than evil!Participants should have a working knowledge of pandas and an interest in data science, but are not required to have any experience with the data science workflow. Datasets will be provided by the instructor.

PyCon2018 视频截图信息:



  1. 以B站C语言视频为基础的课后总结(二)
  2. Pandas进阶修炼120题同步视频现已登陆
  3. 掌握PHP语言对接抖音快手小红书视频/图片去水印API接口源码
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  8. 视频演示:好家伙,我直接好家伙!
  9. 视频断更的第45天,想你


  1. Android横竖屏总结
  2. Android编译过程详解(三)
  3. Android 单元测试之JUnit和Mockito
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  5. Android4: 请放弃使用Theme.Dialog
  6. 在Android Studio中下载Android SDK的两
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